Last decade in world science a new scientific direction - quantum teleportation actively develops, by means of which on the channel of quantum communication is carried out not only instant transfer of the information, but also mutual change of parameters of the connected objects. The principle teleportation is based on achievements of physics of last decade and concerns to physics of the confusing quantum statuses (entangled states).

             As the connected objects can be: the patient - medicinal means removed from each other. And, the information (medical) properties of a medicinal means can be teleportation to the patient (group of the patients) on any distance, causing in it(him) organism medical effect. In a basis of these processes the specific quantum effects shown on micro- and macroscopic a level and the special role lay thus, water carries out.

It is known, that carriers of managing semantics fabric and celular of a level are water associates or associates in water solutions, clusters and fractals of structure [1]. The forms, which accept associates , are rather various and are caused not only molecules of impurity contained in water, but also conditions of their formation. The working beginning managing information perceived crate or celular  organeles, is the complex geometrical form associates . Such form is that part, which defines structure of physical fields inherent associate. The same fields, in turn, start either stop intra-celular  processes or influence them by that or different way.

It is known, that at hit of a molecule of some substance in water, there is a change of a spatial spin configuration of water, which relates to backs of protons (nucleus of hydrogen, molecules of water) [2], so, that the new configuration copies characteristic structure of a spin configuration of this molecule of substance. There are experimental bases to believe, that because of small radius of action of spin dynamics of molecules of substance about such molecules is formed of a little bit layers of their spin proton copies.

By virtue of it, at a field level, the spin proton copies of molecules of substance render on alive objects the same action, as well as substance. At a level experimental phenomenology in homoeopathy it is known from times Haneman [3], then was investigated on an extensive biochemical material G. Shangin-Berezovsky with the employees [4], hardly later re-discovery Benveniste [5], Voll [6] and is advanced Lipachev with the employees [7].

In works Kleszenko [8] and Burlakova [9], for example, the direct medical influence tocopherol and hlicoprotein in various concentration, down to supersmall is shown. Has appeared, that this influence is especially strong in an interval till 10-16 - 10-14 М, though, as consider of physics and biologists such to a solution treat can not. The reality of this situation at a physical level can be explained at use of spin models used for the description of mechanisms of activity of biological objects having freedom in dynamics of spin structures. The biochemical processes proceeding in biological objects derivate molecular structures, which are, as spin systems, the sources spinor of  field, through which carry out interaction between the particles appropriate to certain parameters.

In system interrelations of the above given effects and statuses the special interest represent spin coherent of states. As the experimental practice shows, any biological object can be given in coherent a states, which frequency is defined by characteristic frequency of molecular structure of water.

With use of a technique of experimental researches of phase structure of liquid crystals was established, that for coherent the states organism responds the water, included in its structure having characteristic ordered structure. This result has basic value, as it is enough for such structure very small till power of influence to excite strong answer-back reaction in system (organism) [2].

             Hence, having resulted organism in coherent the states and having entered in it this or that information is possible to try to start in it intra-celular processes directed on manufacture of own medicinal means (including imaginary) with the directed pharmacological action. Such therapy concern to complementary to medicine, which methods supplement, instead of is alternative to the academic medicine. These methods are directed on mobilization of protective mechanisms in organism of the men functioning by a principle self-control. 

According to the Program teleportation of properties of medicinal means the system "Teleport" with which help was created the successful remote transfer of properties of such vaccines was carried out: 

The vaccine "Influvac" for preventive maintenance of an influenza, manufacture "Solvay    Pharma" (Netherland), which contains fragments of fibers such virus stams: А10/99 (Н3N2), А20/99 (H1N1), В379/99;

Vaccine "Twinrix" for preventive maintenance hepatite A and B, manufacture "SmithKline Beecham Biologicals S.A." (Belgium).

The compilation of properties of vaccines was carried out on organism of the people and rabbits:

            а) Vaccine "Influvac" and "Twinrix" - compilation on 5 men;     

б) Vaccine "Influvac" - compilation on 5 rabbits.

 The rating of results of experiments was carried out on presence at biological objects corresponding of antibodies and on speed of formation appropriate immunity of protection (in normal conditions of vaccination immunity the answer is realized in 7-10 day).

At the analysis of tests of blood on presence of specific antibodies the following results (table 1) were received:

The table 1

C - control parameters; ТV - parameters after transmitting vaccination.

* - in immunology to practice immunity the answer organism on an antigene HA is defined only as a negative or positive

Immunization of objects of vaccination is realized in 36 hours instead of 7-10 days.

The reason of absence immunity of the answer on protein a fragments HbsAg is not known yet, but the practice of vaccination is determined, that complete immunization organism of the man occurs in 6 months after introduction 3 injections. 

The system includes in itself:

The block transmitting of spin spatial configurations; the chip-compiler; the chip-inductor, which is fixed on a body of object of vaccination.

The principle of action of System, as it was already marked, is based on use of effects entangled spin coherent states. Use of these effects allows to carry out transmitting of spin plants (spatial configurations) protein of fragments of vaccines on organism of object of vaccination and to cause in its appropriate immunity the answer.

The effect of transmitting vaccination is explained to  that in realization immunity of the answer take part all lymphacites B organism, without process cluning, and spin plants, which translation on object of vaccination, execute a role "master-key" accelerating process immunization. 


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Dr. V. Krasnobryzhev






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